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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 12, 2018 6:00am-8:59am EDT

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maria: welcome back. happy tuesday. i maria bartiromo. welcome back to the expanded session of "mornings with mari tuesday, june 12. and historic morning.
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breaking news, store can shake. president trump becoming the first sitting american president to make the leader of north korea and an iconic moment made at the first handshake could design a comprehensive document overnight highlighting the mutual goals of the two, including working towards complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula. the president highlighting the effect of sanctions in saying the u.s. will suspend wargames, military in south korea at the news conference early this morning. he kicked off his statement with a hopeful message. >> the past does not have to define the future. yesterday's conflict does not have to be tomorrow's board. and as history has proven over and over again, it can indeed become friends. we can honor the sacrifice of our forefathers by replacing the horrors of battle with the blessings of peace. >> president trump saying that invite kim jong un to
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the white house. full coverage this morning and analysis of the media and what's to come happening all morning long here. not much reaction. features indicate a lower opening for the broader average in the u.s. the investor is down 28 points. s&p 500 and the nasdaq down just a fraction. the markets also little changed on wall street yesterday. very much awaited the period ahead of the meeting. no industrial, s&p and nasdaq up fractionally at the close yesterday at on wall street. stocks are up at the hyatt and certainly have turned negative. ft 103rd of the percent as does the cac in paris. asia overnight markets they are higher as you see with the exception o. shanghai composite down one half of a percent. all those stories coming up tuesday morning. dagen mcdowell, cfr investment strategist lindsay bell. good to see you guys. what a morning. >> i don't think you can drive home with a history making event
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this was more than what we witnessed in the last couple of days. i think that if you're just walking around the city and gett a morning, everyone's attention was turned to this. i saw people listening to the summit on the radio, watching sts on t phones, just to make sure that they were witness to this event. particularly right here in the united states, critically importan >> s lindsey graham during the incident had a message for republicans and democrats. he said this is an incredible moment in time. stand behind the president on this. do you see that the democratic leader put out. it was his statement for nancy pelosi and the civil as you might expect from them. again, there is a graph at the end of this tape and put out
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yesterday about what happened at the g-7 summit in the ditch her gallic language that was used about trudeau and canada. maria: so that's not standing behind the president. the presence of what we're we are right now is so massive that you would think that would've been the headline in the state ban. dagen: the headline was the importance for the meeting. they are trying their best. they are going to sit back and parse the word and the images coming out from the summit. it wil interesting t see later that day what whear from pelosi or schumer. >> the american people are standing behind the president. a cnn poll came out in 53% of americans in the way he's dealing with north korea is great up from 35% in november. they feel good about the way trump is done with this. maria: each of the statements made in documents as well.
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president donald trump the north korean leader kim jong un signing a comprehensive document. they committed towards working towards complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula. deirdre bolton live in singapore with the very latest. 6:00 p.m. is in a poor for you. good evening. >> it certainly is. good evening fellow singaporeans. aborning see you in new york, where he appeared 100% right in the summit of the century. this was an historic day. discussing their future and just as recent as january they were threatening each other with potential war. we can't underline this change in how quickly it has come far enough. one of your earlier guests, it cordoned chang talking about this agreement is top military exercises in south korea.
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calling that a bombshell. here is what president trump sat on the manner. >> we've done exercises for a long period of time, working with south korea and we called them war games and i call them more games than they are tremendously good. the amount of money we spend on that is incredible. south korea contributed but not 100%, which is certainly a subject that we have to talk to them about also. under the circumstances that we are negotiating a very complete deal. it's an approach rate to be having wargames. reporter: maria, there are people expressing concern seen are the wargames these exercises, temporarily off. and about what this really means. scott schneider with the council on foreign relations says that,
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some total, the most important thing was kim jong un established a report. president trump even showing his armored cadillac, which is alic moment in all of this gravity. scott schneider telling me, sten the tone right now it about cooperation versus competition. that was the purpose of the summit. that is then achieved. maria appeared maria: deirdre bolton live deirdre bolton live underground in singapore. great reporting. gran allison, farmers secretary of defense. professor at harvard kennedy school of government, grand, good to have you on the show this morning. what is your initial action to what is taking place? >> i have been betting for two months it was going to be a big win and i believe it was. trump and kidd established report, a genuine relationship. i think they open a new chapter.
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they said all the right words. they actually put it in a broad context of transforming the relationship between the u.s. and the whole korean peninsula. and now the hard work will make that a reality. in terms of a significant new start. maria: what will the hard work be? walk us through the hard work beginn now. >> the south is easy. now we get to the north. in the north are more than ready separate facilities that have nuclear weapons or nuclear weapon usable material reducing uranium and plutonium, that produce missiles to deliver those. those are complicated, it even possible the u.s. doesn't know where all of them aren't. the process of actually finding them, going to them come even
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than 80 nuclear weapons, even the navy nuclear material i believe will be a multiyear process. but before we say that it's going to take years, that is not a success. i don't agree with that at all. as long as we are on the path of taking specific steps toward denuclearization and as long as the korea is not testing nuclear weapons or missiles, which was doing up until the beginning of this year. and as long as it's not selling any weapons or materials to anybody else, that is the best possible road we could beyond compare two of the other realistic options at this point. dagen: grandma, it is dagen mcdowell. what you make a president trump? this is the major details say we will stop the wargames with south korea. they talk about how it will help save money, but stop the joint military exercises and only resumed them if we don't see
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future negotiations go in as they showed were going well. how big of a deal is that and that's a major carrier to north korea, is it not? >> i think it is a majorrier for north korea. the south koreies have been pretty reserved about the military exercises. actually, in the most recent military exercise, they didn't participate. it is significant, but i don't and it is material in the sense that if there were to be a war on the korean peninsula, the impact of whether we have and exercise are not this year or next year will not be significant. i think it is significant for north korea as a signal that is president trump has said, if this relationship changes, everything could change. i think what president trump is doing is trying to get into kim jong un said the notion that north korea does not have to be
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this isolated, impoverished hermit kingdom. part of the reason why he brought him to singapore was to let them look and see what the world looks like. when singapore looks like north korea 60 years ago. singapore is now a major, modern acropolis. so he is trying to get into his head the notion that why should nort be such a poor back border. maria: is interesting to wonder what kim jong un was thinking that could be possible for north korea while walking around. i understand it took him to the hotel, the top of the sands hotel or they have this incredible pool overlooking the city and seeing all of the activity. you make an important point. you wonder if that is what he's thinking. former nba star dennis rodman reacted to the summit by sunday in an interview. he lashed out at the obama administration's david should have happened years ago.
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watch this. >> i talked to kim jong un and the administration five years ago. we sat down for lunch and he sat down and asked me, hey dennis, i would like to ask you three things if you go back and tell the president of the united states these three things that i'd be willing to talk to him. it's a true story. i tried to do that to obama and he didn't even give me the time of day. i asked him, i have something to say for north korea. he just brushed me off. maria: what about that? do they present their obama just brushed him off with this? >> well, i don't know the details of the story and i think it is worth somebody running down. what is correct is that dennis rodman, early on, has said he believes this young man had a different idea. rodman has gone and talked with a number of times. kim jong un is a big basketball fan. rodman is a strange area and
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having a basketball stars your emissary for discussions is a little such as your mind. but if you would go back five years ago to what rodman said would be possible and what we are now seeing, i think it is worth looking at. i will put a research assistant on it this afternoon. maria: good, we like that. please report back. graham, thank you so much. thanks for joining us. dagen: i was going to say, there photos of kim jong un taking southeast on the late night to her and then president trump in the press conference talking about wilting hotels, like i would be a great place for hotels. they were trying to show him what the rest of the world looks like. maria: exactly. when we come back, great band the grateful dead. those are the words after meeting with kim jong un. tough sanctions imposed by
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cooper at korea. a look at the way forward is the hermit kingdom comes out of the shadows. the judge is set to rule today on whether the at&t and time warner merger could go forward. while other ceos are watching and holding their breath, this is a big decision. we are on it. stay with us. a sinkhole opened up under our museum. eight priceless corvettes had plunged into it. chubb was there within hours. they helped make sure it was safe. we had everyone we needed to get our museum back up and running, and we opened the next day. this is not just a yard. it's where memories are made. and you have the best seat in the house. the john deere x350 select series with the exclusive mulchcontrol™ system. nothing runs like a deere™ ♪ ♪
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eight tnt's proposed purchase of time warner today. very closely watch. cheryl casone with all the details. >> expecting the decision later on this after transform the media landscape. the government of course is suing to block at&t's $85 billion purchase of time warner claiming it would harm competition and eventually raise rates for consumers. at&t says it needs time order to effectively compete against netflix, amazon and other big streaming companies and could affect a bidding war between walt disney and comcast to acquire the entertainment assets of 21st century f. of course, the parent of fox business network or this decision is watched closely by many sides we should pay. shares of at&t down 13% so far this year. time warner's stock is up 4%. facebook turning in more than 450 pages of documents to congress after ceo mark
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zuckerberg said he'd have his team respond to questions he couldn't answer about facebook handling. the answers are partly in response to the000 quest asked by senate and house committee. facebook emphasizes that is learning from its mistakes and giving users more control over information. the stock is up about 7% so f this year. domino's pizza is moving out road to help his pizzas get home safely. paving for pizza initiative filling potholes across the country. the pizza chain and some for different municipalities in texas, delaware, georgia and california. customers can visit theebsite and enter the zip code of their city. i've got one for you. there you. there were state funds to repair damage roads. domino's pizza 43% so far this
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year. they can really use are paving for pizza house. maria: i agree with you. it is horrible. i like this story, paving for pizza. >> i've got my zip code ready to roll. coming up on the heels of the north korea summit, investors eyeing crucial policy meetings from the federal reserve and the european central bank this week. a look at the global market reaction and economic impact of this historic summit. we're expecting the fed to raise rates tomorrow. more coming up ahead from singapore. stay with us. mom? dad? hi! i had a very minor fender bender tonight in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. but what a powerful life lesson. and don't worry i have everything handled. i already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness.
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i hope it's going to be soon. as you know them as i've said, the sanctions right now remained. at a certain point i actually look forward to taking them off. maria: taoist president t speaking earlier after the historic meeting with north korean leader kim jong un where he pledged to work towards complete denuclearization. global market actions mostly, after the landmark meeting. a lower openg sto prices on wall street this morning. it remains to be seen at the historic handshake will turn into a new day dawning for north korea's economy. joining us by phone is tnt investment whose company helped build north korea's communication network. tanks for calling in this morning. >> thank you. drink your first off, your reaction to what has taken place you have built the communications network after entering north korea back in 2009, but then busiss slowe
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and faltered as canvas to power in 2011. walk us through your experience in north korea. >> you know, i've been there almost 10 years ago. when i went in there, a today we have 10 million subscribers talking to each other, which in a close couny like that, it in itself is phenomenal. i've been an advocate of direct meetings for a long time. we have come a long way now from rocket man -- [inaudible] a medium like that because all the critics are criticizing their president met with them. what should he do? should he e-mail him or send him a text? a meeting like this is crucial for south korea, for the world.
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we can do the meeting if he doesn't like the outcome, strong trend to send a message that we are not going to do a deal under any conditions and today i think that this meeting, the fact that he achieve denuclearization and they are rocket is a big step, you know, because now we can harm the economy. the next step is to open the north koreans will adhere to whatever they promise. again, i support the president stopping these war games. how can you expect someone to give up if he's destroying bombs? they don't go together. the next step is watching the economy. the united states will try to start opening up their economy,
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doing some investment, improving the lives of the north koreans. once you do that and change the nature of their lives and everything, that is going back. maria: let me ask you this. you've got the telecom network. to the people of north korea understand what was taking place? tell us what the activity was on the telecom not work. >> i can tell you i'm the most popular person in north korea for the people aside. because they never even had it at all. they were never able to call their mothers and fathers. it was like opening a new life when you have the firstborn and can talk to each other. from a give of the humanity or communication and also as you know communication opens up the
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road to democracy. financially it's not been the greatest investment. if the economy starts reporting in and investments come in in the sanctions are lifted, that would be my day. maria: we put more investment in the country? when you look at north korea, the country's dilapidated in terms of infrastructure. the risk of instability looms large. where was the opportunities be should you be considering investing here even further. >> there is immense opportunity. they don't have a shortage of housing. they're mining entity needs massive investments. they have a lot that can boost their economy but they lack the investments to do them. even in agriculture, they need
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industrial -- so much to do there. you have only a few cement fact ariz. it is like everything better, the country that could observe the low-level investments at all they need to ensure that they would adhere and allow dividends enjoyed the world in peace and stop investing in weapons and concentrate on the lives of their people. maria: so you have put much of your fortune, 50% of your fortune into mining companies, gold related. is this an opportunity for investors?
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>> yes, in the natural material, they call in coal, they have vast minds of the sort. it is very scarce. it exists, but the others all or they are waiting for investors. maria: so you did put 50% of your fortune in that sector. mining companies, gold related. >> let me preface that because it's been taken out of context. they said that the value, my investment in mining or 50% of my net worth. the fact is when i started with only 10% to 15%. it's the way i manage the investment, and the ownerships in the way i grew the company that resulted in the value.
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maria: but people are not talking about the human rights issues this morning. we talk about this historic summit in historic handshake, but the fact is there a gulags in north korea. people had and tortured, killed. will this change? what is your take in the terms of change in sentiment from north korea and why? >> i think once the north korean leader signs a peace agreement, but he knows they won't be any attempt to topple his regime and as long as he adheres to his promises, he will enter into a new phase that he will have to top with all these practices because it will not work together. the president's upset that he mentioned that to him today. the more confident this young man believes he will be
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the more he will be stopping these practices. marymac will you put more money into north korea? >> the minute the sanctions are lifted and it stabilizes i have a lot to be invested. maria: good to speak with you, thanks for calling in this morning, the chairman, donald hane somhing no us president hame close to doing, sitting down with a north korean leader. we talk to a presidential historian about what this means and what it says about his predecessors. the power of amazon, seattle tacking on businesses. after approving the measure, we won't tax after all. atins? do you win
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does your bed do that? i'm the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let's meet at a sleep number store. >> thanks for joining us, is in 12th. at 6:31 on the east coast breaking news, and shake decades in the making, donald trump becomes the firstting american president to meet the leader of north korea signing a document with gronk -- with kim jung un which outlines a pathway to complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula in exchange for
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security. donald trump raised kim for making the right move in singapore. >> chairman kim has the chance to season incredible future for his people. anyone can make war but only the most courageous can make peace. maria: full coverage of this historic meeting, investor reaction so far muted, a weaker start for the broader averages, down 30 points, the nasdaq and s&p down fractionally. ahead of this wait and see. go, the s&p up 3 points and nasdaq closed 14. we are looking at a lower performance, down one third of 1%. the dax index down a fraction. in asian markets mostly high with the exception of china,
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shanghai composite down 1/2%. donald trump and gronk signed encumbrance of document following the summit that committed to working toward complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula. the news having a muted impact looking at modest decline. joining us, the director of the korea working group who previously worked at goldman sachs, and thanks for joining us. investors, from the federal reserve in the bank, your reaction to the senate. >> a tendency in the analysis field, reading the tea leaves, important a wide me aperture and put this into context. in parallel, 3 potential mechanisms running forward and with that, look at it at the
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singapore summit as the beginning of the crucial one. donald trump referred to it as the beginning of the process, once we see movement it creates the political space for the south koreans to move forward on their permanent peace mechanism and the large inter-korean commercial project. the outcomes will not see the immediate effect but a series of eventss that are positive, the type of reacti t ut korean marketplace that will receive that. >> can you branch out and take, apply to what is happening with north korea and apply it, there's a lot on the pres.'s plate in terms of nafta negotiations, and and can you
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apply any success with north korea to all of the other negotiations on the docket? >> that is the part that is interesting in terms of transferability of what has been effective so far. the bilateral approach led to something from donald trump's perspective led to the breakthrough, the direct type of engagement and unprecedented was helpful. one of the key things we have seen with different deals in the past, implementation is multilateral. if there's a learning curve aspect, working with partners in a different perspective is crucial. implementionn lara basis is unprecedented. from that perspective catalysts in a bilateral sense, figuring out how to work within a group of countries and lead different countries to work towards implementation, that is the question. >> do you worry the president said the us is sing the
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wargames, the military exercises between the us and south korea? gordon chang made the point readiness is so critical and if we stop military exercises we won't be ready. what is your take on that? >> the south korean military, mandatory military service a little over 12 months, they'll have one shot at having interoperability, and american allies on the ground, and the incentive, more forward movement from the north korean side and the security guarantee donald trump mentioned embedded in the stock exchange with chairman king in singapore, what can he get for the gesture. and through the denuclearization front, the bar is high, doing a lot in the beginning, trying to get the
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process robustly underway. >> markets have been muted all ek, a huge historic summit with north korea, then lying in the balance china. when i think about trade, what has weighed on the markets for the majority of this year and in my view, creates a cloud over the market, going significantly higher. how do you view trade going forward, with regards to the market? >> with respect to china, a broader concept how the chinese view transparency. it is difficult for the chinese to see what comes in the second and third steps that are focusing on immediate steps, reactions what they have seen
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in the us side. you see the trump administration dialback for punitive measures in terms of restrictions, $1 billion fine, and coming morecoan with us standards and this bipartisan effort out of the senate, essentially embedding restrictions back in place within the context of national defense authorization act. this is part of the transparency aspect causing a lot of honest but with respect to the bader trade dynamics there's a lot of drama going on. with respect to what is happening in the singapore summit it has been muted by the overhang of discipline areas. maria: the president was asked about trade tensions in singapore. listen to this. >> i had a very good meeting with the g7 and i left the meeting and i will be honest, we are being taken advantage of by virtually every one of those countries. the united states because of
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bad management at the top, pres.s that didn't care about trade or understand it or whatever reason, for many years, with china being the most successful at it but the european union, $151 billion we lost, they were represented at the meeting and we are being taken advantage of on trade. maria: what do you think? christine guard says the clouds over the global economy are getting darker by the day. do you agree with that? >> there's a lot of change. what donald trump is trying to do, shaking things up, this idea that the european side has to do more. all these things are happening in a short time. he reform change, that has been on the books for a while but gradually introducing modifications was part of the playbook in the past but the key thing is g7 and europe, to increase the military budget
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and spending side of things. there are a lot of issues that are interlinked and how they are managed going forward is part of the game when everyone is waiting to see. maria: your take on the federal reserve, will they raise interest rates tomorrow? >> indications are there's going to be accorded point rate increased by the f and t ideare tightening, this idea of a coumo anticipated ones ahead, plateauing after that, chairman powell and the mitigations market is good, with the ecb tightening also the overhang of what is happening with italy. the political risk, we are seeing that riseway we haven't seen in the past. maria: good to see you, thanks very much. we will see you soon. we will get your take on the tightening of the board across the world, the ecb and the federal reserve. coming up the camp david accord in the singapore summit. the us and north korea meeting a historic turning point in global history. we are taking a closer look at what that looks like.
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the power of amazon, seattle has backed down on casting large businesses including amazon just one month after approving that measure. we will take a look next. [music playing] (vo) from day one, we always came through for our customers. it's how we earned your trust. today, we're rewoulost it. commitment to you. fixing what went wrong. and ending product sales goals for branch bankers. so we can focus on your satisfaction. it's a new day at wells fargo. but it's a lot like our first day. wells fargo. established 1852. re-established 2018.
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maria: devastating news, olympic skier both miller is mourning the death of his 19-month-old daughter who drowned in a swimming pool accident. share make this story is so sad for the family. miller and his wife morgan both took into ram sharing pictures of their daughter emily and a heartbroken message, never in 1 million years did we think we would experience pain like this. her love, her spirit will never be forgotten. our little girl loves life and lived it to its fullest every day. our family respectfully requests privacy during this
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painful time. she drowned in a pool in the family's neighborhood in orange county, california. paramedics performed cpr before transferring her to a nearby hospital. she was pronounced dead at the hospital. police investigating circumstances of her death. another headline we are following, house majority whip steve scalise who was shot and nearly killed during congressional baseball practice last year is releasing his memoir this fall. it is named back in the game, and inspirational retelling of the shooting and the people who helped save his life. he also credits the survival his faith in god. it was in june of last year when a gunman fired onto a virginia baseball field wounding scalise and 3 others. sen. jeff flake shares this picture of scalise returning to practice last week was house republicans ready to play baseball game against the democrats thursday. great to see him there. you mentioned this earlier.
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seattle set to repeal a controversial tax on amazon and other large companies that own and do business in the city, their headquarters. lawmakers expect to vote to reverse the so-called head tax of $275 per employee. city council pass the tax unanimously last month and would have raised $50 million to pay for homeless services and affordable housing but city officials say the measure would create prolongs and expensive political fight and they will look for other ways to help the homeless. shares of amazon or higher ahead of "the opening bell" by a fraction. a win for capitalism frankly what the city council is doing as we talked about on the show. >> handshake decades in the making, donald trump is the first american president to meet with the leader of north korea. we are talking to presidential historian what this moment in time means, stay with us. they all got a story about what happened to 'em.
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maria: donald trump is not just negotiating with an unpredictable dictator in singapore but battling history. pres.s clinton, bush and obama feeling the sting of failed koan negotiations. he is dealing with ghosts at the negotiating table. presidential historian, former advisor to george hw bush and george w. bush, good to see you, thanks for joining us. let's start with historical ramifications of this senate. you say kim's win by getting trump in the room. what spells victory for the president? >> i woke up this morning and heard the news, all night long in the green room at fox listening to cia anasts telling me why trump would not
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be successful at all only to hear what happened. this is big news and positive news for trump and he is on his way. maria: you point to a few key moments in history to give perspective what the pres. is battling, the munich agreement, camp david accords, high on your list, tell us about it. >> always ghosts at the summit who are not represented in 1938. hitler and mussolini met with chamberlain, they solved the crazies then but people who weren't in the table were the checks and slovaks who were going to lose the sudeten land, ghosts at the table but i'll get short shrift in 1945. here is churchill, fdr and stalin, carving up eastern europe and millions of people
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destined to die in the gulags under stalin, the great tragedy of history. they were not represented at the table so i wondered, kim has been threatening tokyo with a nuke, i have friends all along the pacific rim. people in china, south korea, held hostage by kim with those weapons, and take out other cities with toxic gases. this is amazing news for those ghosts, and in north korea this may be an opening, things may change for a lot of people i that region. maria: good point. dagen: won't it take time to find out whether north korea is serious about doing away with its nuclear weapons? the pres. has given some
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concessions by not implementing additional sanctions on north korea agreeing at least for the time being to call off any military exercises or wargames with south korea. those are two carrots if you will, we need to be going in with americans and identify all of the nuclear and military sites, missile sites and put together some framework to dismantle their arms. >> if you want some comic relief, see how they try to spin this as bad. i think the president's had is strength if he wants to take military action now because of something korea does, north korea does, he is politically enabled by what happened, he made a good effort, a good try and the deception will look like it is coming from the other side.
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if you study sino korean japanese history, hostagetaking is their way of verification. in the middle ages, they would have jared and ivanka moved to pyongyang. he has dead soldiers from korea, tokyo and seoul nearby as hostages was we need our own verification, absolutely true. but this is good news. this is like camp david, one of the best summits like this we have ever seen and in my opinion bigger than camp david because this involves nukes. carter and sadat involved territory. maria: thank you, thanks for weighing in. still ahead china's relationship with the us and north korea was crucial in today's meeting. we will look at the reaction in the next hour, right here. i'm your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hide-n-seek. cold... warmer... warmer... ah boiling.
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when it might be time to buy or sell? with fidelity's real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today. >> maria: welcome back. good tuesday morning. thanks so much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo. it i tuesday, june 12th. the historic handshake, president trump becoming the first sitting american president to meet the leader of north korea. they signed a comprehensive theirutual goals.ting it includes the pathway toward complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula. president trump said in a news conference earlier to that kim jong un has taken steps on that path. >> chairman kim has told me that north korea's already destroying a major missile engine testing
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site. that's not in your signed document. we agreed to that after t agreemen was signed. that's a big thing for the missiles that they were testing the site will be destroyed very soon. >> maria: north korea sanctions will stay as they are right now but the war games that the military testing with south korea will end. plus, a possible white house visit. we have full coverage all morning long. stay with global markets, not much reaction. there's a lower opening for the broader averages this morning. we were right around breakeven. s&p is down 2s. the nasdaq is down 7. markets were little changed yesterday as well. wall street indices yesterday, all the majors were up by a fraction. in europe, stocks are off a of the high certainly and many are negative. fq100 down a quarter of a percent, the cac in paris is down a quarter a percent and
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the dax index in germany is up by 2 points. asiaover night markets were higher across the board with the exception of china. all those stories coming up this morning. joining me to talk about it, and morn ortega.lindsey bell great to have you joining the conversation. >> we were just saying this is my foreign policy nerd super bowl. points in my career.cin >> maria: what's your reaction? >> it's unprecedented in a positive way. when we look at what the foreign policy community, what presidents have done in the past 30 years as relates the north korea, typically there's a year of negotiations that lead up to principals meeting. the president has flipped the process and cut through the bureaucracy and said i'll have the initial meeting upfront. this is the way a ceo would handle things. this is the way a business
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person would handle things. they would get into the room, the ceo would meet the counter part, and they set goals and you ajenagendas and work out the details. nothing else has worked. we might as well try it this way. >> dagen: the symbolism of this day, it was one year ago today that otto warmbier was released by north korea and in 1987, this is the day that ronald reagan gave a speechaying mr. gore bamr. gorbachev, down this wall. this is probably why they were working hard to stick toward this date. >> it's really amazing. it's amazing that all of this happened on this day. when we look back at how president reagan was perceived when he was dealing with threats with the soviet union, it's the
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same consider it you're hearing -- criticism you're hearing about president trump, that the approach isn't correct. how do we pivot to asia? how do we deal with china and north korea? if we give an inch on north korea, the chinese will smell the blood in the water. >> dagen: because we pulled out of the iran deal, what hapns with north korea is so critical to then addressing the iran threat because whatever deal gets put together as the details come out, it needs to look dramatically different and even president trump pointed this out that we're not handing over $1.7 billion in piles of cash in the middle of the night for hostages. >> we already got our guys back. >> maria: let's point out that you know the iranians are watching this really closely to see how the president is dealing with north korea and how north korea responds and what might be the ramifications afterwards. >> dagen: we did not get complete denuclearization with the iran deal. we just kicked the can down the
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ro until 2025 and then handed them $100 billion in sanctions relief to fund their imperialism throughout the middle east. >> maria: which they funded terrorism. they're the number one sponsor of terror. the president and kim jong un signed a comprehensive document overnight following their historic summit. they committ working toward complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula. deirdre bolton is live in singapore with the lat latest. good evening to you. >> reporter: thank you, maria. good morning. presidentmp left singapore about an hour ago. on the flight he went and spoke with the press, those who are traveling with him, and he said more or less there was nothing more that he could have accomplished in singapore. but the idea of this summit was really to establish rapport between him and kim jong un and i think that is a success, even down to the fact that you had president trump showing kim jong
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un his armored cadillac after the lun lunch where everybody s invited. it seems as if these two have developed a working relationship. one thing i want to note, maria, is that a lot of the dlomati sourcese've been in touch with on the ground have said the most important thing about this summit, the summit of the century, is that the tone between the u.s. and north korea has gone from confrontation to cooperation. here's a few of the highlights from president trump's day. >> we've done exercises for a long period of time, working with south korea and we call them war games. i call them war games and they're tremendously expense ex. the amount of money we spend on that is incredible and south korea contributes but not 100%, which is certainly a subject that we have to talk to them about also. under the circumstances that we're negotiating a very
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comprehensive, complete deal, i think it's inappropriate to be having war games. the sanctions will come off when we are sure that the nukes are no longer a factor. sanctions played a big role but they'll come off at that point. there is no limit to what north korea can achieve when it gives up its nuclear weapons and embraces commerce and engagement with the rest of the world. >> reporter: that is the choice that many diplomats say kim jong un now has to make. he does have the possibility of a future, particularly a stronger, more open economy, but that has to be more important to him than continuing to develop nuclear weapons. >> maria: deirdre, we'll keep following your reporting. thanks very much. deirdre bolton live in singapore this morning. joining me now, former democratic presidential candidate, bill richardson, along with former u.s.
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ambassador to the united nations and the philippines, former deputy secretary of state, john negroponte. thank you for joining us this morning. governor, let kick it off with you. you've been in talks with the north koreans before. your take-away from this summit? >> on the positive side, a potential normalization of relations, the two leaders getting to know each other, perhaps trusting each other, difference in tone. a year ago, we were in terrible shape in the peninsula, enormous tension, a lessening of tension, all of that's good. on the mixed side, i wanted to see more meat on the bones. i wanted to see more specifics on verification, on inspections. we have a vague statement that commits to denuclearization with both sides having different interpretations. i would have wanted to see more on what we're going to do about
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freezing missiles and nuclear weapons, the negotiating process which is starting, which is good. lastly, i wanted to hear more on human rights. i wish we had been stronger. the president did mention something that's very important to me, get the remains of our 5100 soldiers back from the korean war. i wanted to see a little meat on the bones there too. on the whole, a good start but a lot remaining. so positive on the tone, on the normalization, on the substance, the nuclear mix. >> maria: you make a lot of good points. john, your thoughts? let me point out that this is one year after otto warmbier was released, it's also a bit of an anniversary, the day so many decades later that ronald reagan said mr. gorchev, tear down the
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wall. >> i don't think it could have gone much bter. the president basically to use the military term indicate it the commander's intent, thereby setting the tone on the table for what's going to follow. they did talk about improving relations. they talked about denuclearization. they talked about ending the war and they talked as bill richardson referred to about the legacy issue of what to do with the two -- to pursue the issue of the 2 or 3,000 people who are still missing, u.s. soldiers from the korean war. so i think it was very good. the other point i'd make is that there is follow-up and i think those are -- the issues that ambassador ric richardson mentid will have to be dealt with quickly and thoroughly by secretary of state pompeo. i was gra glad to see he was mentioned specifically by name in the deeing late declaration.
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this tells me that our president and our secretary of state are prepared to devote a lot of their own personal attention and capital to moving this issue forward and maybe that's one of the significant differences between what's happened before. i mean, we've seen real presidential involvement in this. >> maria: i want to get to some of the issues like the war games that are going to be stopping as well as the president saying he wants to get troops out of there. first, let's get the president's comments in here. fox news' sean hannity interviewed president trump yesterday, got his take on whether the tough talk between the two got them to the table. let's listen to the president with shawn. >> a lot of people, critics quickly saying when you said little rock et man or fire or furrfury or when he said i've ga red button on my desk, he said mine's bigger and it works better than yours, how did it
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evolve from that to this? because he did say at the very beginning we're going to basically start over and what that has been building behind the scenes. >> i think without the rhetoric, we wouldn't have been here. i really believe that. we did sanctions and all of the things that you would do. but i think without the rhetoric, you know, other administrations, i don't want to get specific on that, but they had a policy of silence. if they said something very badd horrible, just don't answer. that's not the answer. that's not what you have to do. so i think the rhetoric, i hated to do it, sometimes i felt foolish doing it, but we had no choice. >> maria: so ambassador, your reaction to that and what withouaboutthe idea that the prs committed to stopping the military exercises between the u.s. and south korea? gordon chang made the point earlier that readiness is so critical. if we stop these war games as
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the president called them, that could put readiness in jeopardy. >> right, well, first of all, stop -- i think he doesn't mean to definitively end them. the word i think was more like suspend at one point they about. i tt's wt they're going to do, they're going to suspend them. let's remember, we'll have time now, we'll have an opportunity to figure out how serious north korea is and how this process goes. this doesn't rule out the possibility of renewing such exercises if the situation should ever call for that. the other thing i'd say is i don't think south korea will be put in any particular jeopardy or risk with some kind of short or medium term suspension of exercises. they have an extremely strong and capable military and in the current atmosphere, talking of peace and the body language that we're seeing coming from both sides, i think these exercises will be suspended at a period of
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lower -- much lower risk. >> maria: governor, your thoughts. this is obviously a historic meeting. it was not done under any other previous administrations, including president obama. eaier dennis rodman said he begged obama to go to north korea but he said he blew him off, according to dennis rodman. >> i think going into the past, blaming others is not good foreign policy. it's not unifying. i give the president credit for three things. one, agreeing to the summit in the first place from the top to the bottom. secondly, the sanctions that were worked out especially with china have helped bring north korea to the table and i think third, this historic summit is a positive but you know, the north koreans, i've negotiated with them. they never say yes. they never say no.
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they're waiting. they're stalling. you've got to pin them down. i would have wanted to see more verification, more meat on the bones. but i agree with the ambassador. i mean, the military exercise thing is a small concession. >> maria: thank you so much. >> okay. >> maria: thank you, gentlemen. back in aute. brighthouse financial allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities... with a level of protection in down markets. so you can be less concerned about your retirement savings. talk with your advisor about shield annuities from brighthouse financial- established by metlife. touch shows how we really feel. but does psoriasis ever get in the way? embrace the chance of 100% clear skin with taltz up to 90% of those with moderate to severe psord a
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>> maria: welcome back. president trump's chief economic advisor larry kudlow is recovering in the hospital this
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morning after suffering a mil heart attack yesterday in washington. cheryl casone has the latest on this condition. >> cheryl: the white houseays that kudlow is recovering from, quote, a very mild heart attack. president trump shared the news just minutes before his meeting with kim jong un in a tweet. here's what it said. your greaour great larry kudlowt suffered a heart attack. he is now in walter ree medical center. he is expected to make a full and speedy recovery. we wish him well, of course. well, get ready, today is primary day in five states and polls are starting to open. maine, nevada, north dakota, south carolina and virginia. so virginia's one of the biggest battlegroundorhe hou democrs are hoping to retake four seats there. six democrats will compete to take on barbara comstock who won re-election in 2016 despite hillary clinton's win in her district. and then you've got t kane, in
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a strong position for re-election with over $10 million in his campaign war chest. the other big senate race we're watching in n nevada, dean hellr is the only sitting republican up for re-election in a state that hillary clinton won. polls are not open in nevada yet. we'll be watching the action for you. kid rock is hitting the cam trail today alongside rob o'neil to promote a candidate for the republican senate seat in michigan. john james says he is excited to have kid rock help him rally to take back michigan from sitting democrat debbie stabenow. for a while there was rumors that kid rock was going to run til he announced the campaign was a publicity stunt. finally there is this, warren buffet and mark cuban are d.q.
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buddies. they were spotted at a dairy queen yesterday in omaha, nebraska. they had lunch. here's the proof. this was posted on instagram. with a d queen.better guy to eat dairy queen is owned by buff fit's berkshire hathaway. >> maria: why were they having lunch? >> cheryl: i don't know. at dairy queen. were you thinking dinner and champagne. >> maria: taking steps to complete denuclearization but both sides are in for the long haul to make this a reality. we take look at the expectations. back at home, an effort to reverse the president's zte deal. the details on china trade coming up. [music playing] (vo) from day one,
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for the last couple of years, this country has lost $800 billion on trade with other countries. the biggest one being china. $800 billion. $151 billion with the european union. they don't take our agricultural products, barely. have.don't take a lot of what we yet they send mercedes into us, they send bmws to us by the millions. it's very unfair to our workers many i'm going to straighte out. it won't even be tough. >> maria: that was president trump speaking this morning from singapore, talking about china's reaction to the milestone agreement. joining us now to discuss the is historic event is lonnie chen. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> maria: you heard the president, $800 billion losing that kind of money every year.
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what's your take on the current issues around trade? >> well, there's no question that the chinese have been engaging in some unfair trade practices for a very long time and i think one of the great things that this administration has focused on are the longer term issues really around technology transfer, i.p. theft, this is really the heart of the issue. the deficit is one thing but resolving some of these long-term systemic challenges, that's the bigger issue. the chinese have equity in the north korea situation as well. it will be interesting to see how they respond to the hi histc developments last. >> maria: you're pleased with the pushback against china. what about thearif against canada,opean union and mexico? >> i think these are more troubling. no one's saying we have to give up to the canadians and t mexicans, absolutely we should figure out how to renegotiate nafta and how to get the u.s. a
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better deal. the challenge is using the national security just at this n is problematic. while i think the pushback against china is appropriate, i think a more measured approach with our nafta allies and europe would be the bettere. >> dagen: to use the platform of being in singapore negotiating this historic deal with north korea, you're upset about german cars being sold in the united states, that represents 4%, less than 5% of auto sales in the united states are german made cars. these are companies that employ people here in the united states to make cars in alabama and south carolina. that's a the issue a lot of people have. in terms of trade and thatenemy $800 bilumber tha he threw out, it's not a loss. we didn't lose money. it's not a debt that's owed to anybody. we got something in return for that and that's a lot of -- a
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flood of cheap goods in the united states. that's the issue that people have is he's focusing on he can't see the forest for the trees, so-to-speak. >> well, this is the broader challenge with trade explaining to the american people what the advantages of a free trait system are, -- trade system are, the advantages are lower prices, more plentiful goods and a broader variety of goodsor american people. free trade benefits our economy. the bigger issue is what are the challenges we're trying to deal with. that's why the dialogue with china makes a lot of sense to me becahee actually have problems we're dealing with. with the e.u. and with canada and with mexico, i think it's a slightly different challenge. yes, would we like a better deal? absolutely. do you do it by getting rid of the entirety of the existing trade war? i think that's the cllenge. the existing trade record works in a -- trade order works in a lot of ways. >> maria: what's your take on the zte challenge?
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they agreed to pay a fine to the united states to end the ban on doing business here. peter navarro said the deal was a personal favor to the chinese president. it boosted goodwill for the summit. the president told me directly that presint xi called him and said i need this favor done, please help zte. but a bipartisan group of senators are trying to reverse the deal. your thoughts? >> well, remember when there was testimony a couple months ago in the senate when the intelligence chiefs in the u.s. came before congress and were answering questions about the certain threats from china and one of the issues that came up was the issue of zte and what zte is an agent of the chinese government. they are a technology company essentially they're mass an agef chinese intelligence. we need to be careful with this. i think the deal says we're going to have a very strict verification platform. they're going to be people inside the company, they're agreeing to all these different
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penalties and fines. if indeed the deal is tough, i think it's probablied good to move -- probably good to move forwar in our discussion with china by giving them this concession. the challenge is the deal going to be enforced in this way and i think congress is conducting oversight in an appropriate way. i think it's an important thing for the congress to continue to stay on top of the zte situation. >> this is really weighing on the semiconductor industry in general just because qualcomm, broadcom, that deal got squashed by the chinese government. you there's a cupper other -- couple other deals -- >> maria: actually the u.s. treasury stopped the qualcomm deal. >> there's a lot of back forth with different companies. qualcomm is a huge supplier to zte as well as other american semiconductor companies. it's something both governments have to take seriously. >> maria: they're calling it a national security risk, these senators. >> we have to be aware of the
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fact that the zt conflict is -- zte conflict is part of the bigger discussion on trade. a lot of this comes back to what's happening between the us and china. you look at north korea in the same way. the chinese would prefer for this discussion with north korea to drag on for months and years and even decades because then it gives them continuing authority to be involved in the discussion, a continuing chip to play in the long run discussion with the u.s. the chinese would benefit in their minds from a longer process here. they have conrns that the u.s. and north korea may resolve the situation more quickly than they expected or wanted. >> maria: on zte the president sees it as a victory. the u.s. got $1.4 billion and the u.s. will decide who is on the board and come up -- the commerce department will come up who isverseeing zte. that's where the president feels he got something in return but we'll see. lonnie, good to see you. thanks very much for weighing in this morning. >> thank you, maria.
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>> maria: den no, sidennis rodms blasting frside obama over north korea this morning. we'll take a look at the 2020 race. then outrage after bill clinton says the norms have changed for what you can do to somebody against their own will. the norms havehanged against what you can do to somebody against their own will. yeah, the president said that yesterday, president clinton. back in a minute. ♪ most people come to la with big dreams. ♪ we came with big appetites. with expedia, you could book a flight,
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>> maria: lcome back. good tuesday morning, everybody. thanks so much for joining us on a jam-packed morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is tuesday, june 12th. your top stories right now. a watershed moment inor history, president trump shakes hands with north korea's kim jong un, a first for any sitting american president. we talafter the historic sit-do, they sat side-by-side and signed a joint document, including a commitment by the north to work towards complete denuclearization of the peninsula. during a news conference, trump signaled for the first time that the u.s. could begin to lift sanctions against north korea but not just yet. >> the sanctions will come off when we are sure that the nukes are no longer a factor. sanctions played a big role but they'll come off at that point. i hope it's going to be soon. as you know, as i've said, the
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sanctions right now remain. but at a certain point, i actually look forward to taking them off. >> maria: the president also said that the u.s. military will stop war games on the korean peninsula and will absolutely invite kim to the white house. oming up. so far, investor reaction has been muted this morning. take a look at futures, indicating a lower opening for the broader averages, dow industrials down 30 points rit now, the s&p and nasdaq down fractionally. yesterday, take a look at the close with the dow finishing up five and three-quarters point, the s&p and was up 3 points. in europe, the indices are mostly lower with the fq100 down 20 points, the cac in paris down 9 points but the dax index up a fraction, 3 points higher in germany. in asia overnight markets were mixed as you can see from the asian markets there. president trump and kim jong un d a historic agreement o a path toward denuclearization. fox news' rich edson is live in
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singapore with the lat latest. >> reporter: president trump and kim jong un have essentially agreed to a framework. now according to the president there w be vigorous diplomacy to try to fill in the details of this and implement the agreement. the president said kim jong un agreed to completely denuclearize. he says he will destroy a missile engine testing site and return american service members' remains from the korean war. the president says the united states will keep sanctions on north korea but won't add any more while the negotiations continue. the u.s. and south korea will suspend joint military exercises and the president says he wants to remove the u.s. military presence from the region and he said it's not part of the agreement. he said not right now, but an eventuality that he wants to
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cover. >> yesterday's conflict doesn't have to be tomorrow's war. as history has proven over and over again, add sharely -- adversaries can indeed become friends. >> reporter: secretary of state mike pompeo and other senior national security officials will continue discussions with t north korean counterparts to try to work out the many details left outstanding in the deal. the president says this will probably take another summit beeen the two leaders and he also acknowledges that it will take a long time, very likely, to get full denuclearization of the peninsula, though he expects the process to begin very quickly. maria, back to you. >> maria: rich, thanks very much. joining me right now, newt gingrich, former speaker of the house and the author of the new book, trump's america. thank you for joining us. leading up to the summit -- >> it's a pretty historic day.
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>> maria: exactly. leading up to the summit we saw negativity and doubt cast on the president's meeting the north korean dictator. what we've seen today out of singapore has been frenchship, unity. your -- friendship, unity. your overall reaction? >> rhett no let's not get eupho. even the president said in one of his comments we may look back a year from now and decide it was a mistake. we've had a break from the tradition of d diplomats yelling at each other. we had the president taking a big gamble, meeting with the north korean dictator. the north korean dic dictator ta gamble leaving his country. the direction seems right. the fact that secretary bom pomo has been designated as the lead negotiator, being first in his class at west point and remarkable career at harvard law, i suspect he'll be a firm,
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tough, realistic negotiator. we're a long way from this being done. one thing to point out. we have a whole suite of weapons from trident submarines to b2 bombers to ballistic missiles sitting in the middle of north dakota and wyoming that are capable of reaching north korea in a crisis. so we can afford to take some risk in taking troops out of south korea because our capacity to respond with overwhelming force, it's 28 minutes by ballistic missile from the middle of the united states to north korea. and i think kim jong un understands that this would not be an invitation to invade south korea and the south korean army frankly is very capable. the president i think has moved us a significant step but this is not a ga gallop. he didn't leap across to success. he took a big step in the right
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direction. >> maria: do you worry that -- earlier the president said i would like to take 32,000 troops in south korea, i'd like to get them home. it's not happening now. he said i'd like to sat some point. he did confirm that he's going to stop the military exercises the u.s. does with south korea. your thoughts on that? because gordon chang earlier said this is a worry because readiness is real important. >> well, first of all, our troops get exercised all over the world. i'm not very worried about our ability to project power if we have to project it. you also have to look at the question, if the north korean as they apparently announced today, if they start tearing down their ballistic missile test site, we ought to do something positive and the most we're doing -- he didn't pull anybody out today. all he said today was we're going to look at this and we're going to not have any exercises in the near future. well, if this all goes to pieces six months from now, he can
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start up the exercises overnight. that's not a problem. >> maria: because -- >> we can project power from guam, japan and hey whic hawaii. >> mar: russia's foreign minister says he applauds the stopping of the military exercises. we're hearing from russia on this, the readiness. >> consider how historic this is. my dad fought in korea in 1953. we have been at war with north korea since june 25th, 1950. now you have the president of the united states in a direct meeting in public with the north korean dictator, trying to find a way to get to a new agreement. i think that's an enormous gamble and worthy of at least giving him some time to see if he can pull it off. >> maria: this is something to watch for sure. let me ask you about this. it's been reported that president obama has been meeting with several potential
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democratic candidates for the 2020 election. you've worked in politics a long time. what are your thoughts on obama working to help the democratic party combarump era politics. he's working, president obama. >> of course, of all, courses working. president trump has systematically and me methodicay demolish obama's entire legacy. obama has every right to fight back and if you were a democrat who is going to run for president, and you had a chance to meet with barack obama, you would be a fool if you didn't sit down to him, if only to be able to go to audiences all over the country, oh, when i met with president obama. he's a major player. remember, there's also as this economy keeps improving, as you report day after day, as we see more and more good things happening, obama may at some point become a liability and not
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help because it may well be that going back to the past may not look very good. if trump pulls off the north rean deal when obama couldn't, didn't even try, that will be a major breakthrough. trump gets us up to 4% or more real growth economically, we're already at the lowest level of african american unemployment in history, much better than obama did for the black community, the whole number of these things going on, i'm not so sure that obama will be as big an asset two years from now as he still is in the memory of the new york times and cbs news. >> maria: who would be the candidate on the other side come 2020 at this point? is there any that you can see on the democratic side? >> oh, i think they've got five or six different potential candidates, ranging from -- they have a lot of senators who are running and i think that that will be part of it.
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but i think that it's too early to actually think about this race. if we had been talking at this point in 2014, neither of us, i include me, neither of us who have said it's obviously donald trump is going to be the republican nominee. >> maria: that's true. all right. >> the same thing in 1991 in >> mar: newt gingrich, good to see you. thank you so much. former speaker of the house joining us. when we come back, the u.s. and north korea meeting, a turning point in history. coming up, i'll talk with the first american in history to study at a north korean university. dave and buster's stocks surge after a positive earnings report. back in ain alert. i'm your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hide-n-seek.
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(indistthat was awful.tering) why are you so good at this? had a coach in high school. really helped me up my game. i had a coach. math. ooh. so, why don't traders have coaches? who says they don't? coach mcadoo! you know, at td ameritrade, we offer free access to coaches and a full education curriculum- just to help you improve your skills. boom! mad skills. education to take your trading to the next level. only with td ameritrade. >> maria: welcome back. shares of dave and buster's spiking this morning after the
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company reports better than expected revenue and appoints a new ceo. cheryl has details. >> cheryl: the stock rallied about 20% after hours. the stock to watch today after the company's first quarter revenue jumped more than 9% to $332. $332 million. dave and buster's annoyanced the chief financial officer will replace the ceo. they plan to open 14 more stores in this fiscal year. taking a look at the stock in the premarket right now, dave and buster's up more than 13.5%. this, again, stock to watch today when the markets open. speaking of fun and games, the international house of pancakes, known as i-hop, taking serious heat from some other familiar brands for its move to temporarily rename itself i-hob. the b as we talked about yesterday stands for burgers to promote the chain's seven new
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type of ha hamburgers. wendy's says this, remember when you were like seven and thought changing your name to thunder bear's world would be super cool? [ laughter ] >> cheryl: it'se at. but our cheeseburgers are still better. that's from wendys. here's one from a & w. showing their logo flipped upside down, saying inspired by the announcement, we are also changing our name. please don't ask what this means, we don't know either. netflix got into this as well. they said be right back, changing my name to net-flib. and then finally let me talk about this. a heart-warming show of sportsmanship from the baseball diamond. watch this high school pitcher throw a winning strike that sends the team to the championship. instead of celebrating with his
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team, h goes to home plate to hug his childhood friend who just stuck out. the pitcher said him and the t batter have been friends since they were3 years old. he said our friendship is more important than just the silly outcome of a game. pretty cool. that's your headlines. >> maria: that was my thought as well, as far as i-hop. they could have just put burgers on the menu. changing the name, no one will think they're mcdonald's just because their i-hob. >> dagen: i like the thunder bear storm. >> maria: the u.s. and north korea a turning point in history. we'll speak with the first american in history to study at a north korean university. that's next, get a take on the summit, next. midsize car-the chevy malibu. i forgot.
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>> maria: welcome back. from the art of the deal to sealing the deal, a historic summit for president trump and kim jong un. our next guest was the first american in history to study at a north korean university. joining us now is travis jeffson. good to see you. thanks for joining us. >> thanks, i'm happy to be here. >> maria: let me kick it off to your reaction to what has taken place, the historic summit between president trump and kim jong un. what are your thoughts? >> well, i think it's wonderful that the summit happened and the outcome seems to be successful. i was able to read the joint statement and, you know, it does seem sort of vaguely worded but i view it as sort of a first step in what will hopefully be a
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long and fruitful diplomatic -- between the two countries. >> maria: we want to hear your experience. not much has been discussed this morning about human rights and what really takes place as a norm in north korea. in your travels to north korea, you got to meet and understand the north korean people. what do they really think about theted states and give us a sense of normal day life in north korea. >> yeah, well, i think that the north korean people are surprisingly very well-educated and they're very savvy, surprisingly, about what the outside world is like. i noticed increasingly that they korerealize the necessity for opening their country up, so they can engage more with the
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outside world and i think kim jong un probably realizes that too, which is why he's been making these historic steps. you know, of course there is a nun of distrust towards the united states. if we look back in history a little bit, from t north korean's perspective it was the united states who in 1958 sigh 8 violated the terms of the armastice agreement by installing nuclear weapons on the korean peninsula. there have been military exercises that the united states participates in with south korean army in which they make it quite clear within full visibility of the north korean border that nuclear devices would be deplo very early on in the conflict. so the north koreans really have been living under the threat of
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nuclear annihilation by the united statesor seval decades now and so i think they're really happy that some steps towards denuclearization have been made and i think the question now for the north koreans is whether they can trust these assurances that are being made by president trump. >> maria: let me get lindsey bell in here. >> can you tell us about the state of the middle class. there is talk that people make $35 a month. can you talk about the growth you're seeing there? >> right. you see more and more flagrt displays of wealth on the streets of pyongyang in particular. there is a bu growing middle cls there. in the last few years, kim kim has loosened -- kim jong un has loosened economic regulations and made it easy for north koreans to business, to engage
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in profit-making activities. i think they realize there is a limit to that because of the isolation of the country. >> maria: sure. >> so by being able to engage more with the outside world, they will be able to lift sanctions and continue these activities on a higherevel. >> maria: travis, thank you. we'll be right back. i want to thank morgan ortega for joining us. how do you win at business? stay at la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today. book now at ♪ ♪ build and run apps anywhere you like, while keeping your competitors at bay.
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>> welcome back good tuesday morning. thanks for joining us busy morning. i'm maria bartiromo tuesday,
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june 12 your top stories right now 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, breaking place to historic handshake, the iconic moment in singapore president trump becomes first sitting american president to meet leader of nor korea. the president and kim jong-un signed a comprehensive document, highlighting musical goals including the path towards complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula the president saying this is a necessary step for peace in the long term. >> we dream of a future where all koreans can live together in harmonyhe families are reunited hopes are reburn where the light of peace chases away darkness of war. >> other takeaways from news conference sanctions on north korea still in place, u.s. is pulling back on war games with south korea that is the military exercises top the visit is a closer look at top issues as president trump, continues there he has left singapore at this point, global markets this morning
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are down about take a look at you are futures in u.s. lower opening for broader averages well off the lows of the morning, by the way, so we are looking at, some buying interests with dow down 12 points, the s&p down half a point, nasdaq down two points markets little changed as well yesterday the dow industrials up 6 points s&p up 3 points, the nasdaq higher by 14, ail fractional movers, in europe this morning, mixed performance o most of the time lower ft 100 down 18 points a quarterf a percent the weakest of them all investor waiting on european central bank decision thursday we are waiting on federal reserve, kicked off two-day eting today we will hear, how much the fed raises interest rates tomorrow in asia overnight markets mixed, mostly higher exception of china shanghai composite down one half a percent coming up joining me to talk about it dagen mcdowell, cfra investment strategist listeneredy bell "the wall street journal" i hadtorial board member marry kissel welcome back. >> lots to talk about.
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>> we have a lot to talk about. >> a historic, historic day, under way quick your thoughts. >> i think it is really mixed bag not a lot new here, a lot of same languagee saw in the 90s underto soft concessions, from the north koreans hard concessions from headlighth president trump again mixed reaction to this agreement, changing of goalposts on behalf of the president if sitting in beijing would be very leap this morning. >> i want you to talk about hard choices versus the soft ones we will come back to that we are talking about history in the making no matter how you look at it president trump north korean leader kim jong-un signed a comprehensive document, overnight, flowing summit they committed to working towards complete denuclearization of the korean opinions l.a., about determineder bolton in singapore on the grounds with the latest. >> 8 pm in the evening good morning. reporter: yes, thank you, maria. good morning to you in states,
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about about, of course, historic day people in singapore are referring to today's event as thet of the century. so president trump started his day wh a one-on-one meeting with kim jong-un, the day problemed adding more people into the mix, concluding with the working lunch signing document president trump spoke for an hour, straight, debriefing media taking questions, after here are some key comments. >> chairman kim has told me that north korea's already destroying a major missile engine testing site. that is not in your signed document we agreed to that after the agreement was signed. the sanctions will come off when we are sure that the nukes are no longer a factory sanctions played a big role we will come off at that point. >> i think out otto this would
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not have happened something happened from that day it was -- terrible thing, it was brute but a lot of people started to focus on what was going on including north korea. i really think that otto is someone who did not die in vain i want to get it complietd mikeeam t get to work get it completed otherwise we have done a good job if you don't gethe ball over the goal line, it doesn't mean enough. >> the mmike pompeo secretary tate heading right now we speak to seoul south korea. >> joining us from white house communication director founder of skybridge capital anthony scaramucci back with you good to see you now good morning. >> reaction. historic summit. >> listen a big kaa lot of moving pieces but i think they have gotten most right, and so i am very, very hopeful i
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think one thing business viewers is next shoe to drop is south korean trade agreement, maria has been principally already about goshtd negotiated you will see that will b a very good trade agreement for american workers manufacturers, and american businesses and so that will be the template for future agreements, as we try to move towards trade tariff parity with the rest of the world long overdue. >> some people are a little uncomfortable with stopping miment exercises the war times mary this is something you said this is one of those heard concessions that the president gave, versus what you called soft concessions, of the north. reporter: that is right when north koreans talk about compleement did he nuclearization means something different than irabout about about reversible variable denuclearization the white house keeps saying it wants north korean didn't give
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anything up over than promise they gave back hostages but could take more when president said military exercises are provocative, that equates up with north korea that is wrong, it is not provocative it is protecting our democratic allies it is provocative to china north korea, when i say president gave a hard concession there, by pausing those exercises he did we heard lot of talk about feelings between two leaders we didn't hear a process for complete irabout variable denuclearization pompeo said earlier we only had a few months for north koreans to hold us at risk as he put it so you can't let these negotiations drag out, you are going to have to see progress quickly. >> can i raise an issue i am curious what anthony thinks about this would this have gotten down if rex tillerson was in that job he was
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disliked within state department. >> with all respect to secretary tillerson great guy but chemicals between secretary pompeo and president trump is way better, so maybe, maybe not but clearly got done more accelerated rate as a result of the relatio between the president secretary pompeo, just to pushback a little bit on mill exercises this is very nonconsequential leader, broken orthodoxy of 44, 45 year establishment in the state department and defense department, when you are sitting there with north korean leader, he made two big disruptive decision number one i am going to break that orthodoxy give north korean leader legitimacy about to hit chinese super hard on trade to understand less peacefully economically compete with each other have a good bilaterally
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relationship despite rhetoric on opposite to the president he is not a warmonger only in white house 11 days i saw three or four major decisions th he made, and he looked over to me a lot bigger than me he leaned into me he said anthony they call me the warmonger meaning is, he is doing things in on orthodox way very, very good-natured abouts stuff, and i think that he is going to reset the playbook as relates to our foreign policy -- dagen: i don't think people see him as warmonger he wanted to pull troops out of syria -- >> warmonger? -- pulling troops out -- what, south korea saying you have to take troops out. >> fire and fury in august of -- >> the i don't think a warmonger at all. >> longer term endanger. >> some opponents say -- >> seems president down the want to be on -- doesn't have
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to be long term danger we denuke if we can north korea hand it to china, and china the korean peninsula huge discernment endanger japan endanger taiwan can you give insight into president's longer trm strategy. >> fefrl let's go to the 5500-year history of china they have never invaded another nation. >> that is not true. >> vietnam look at -- >> -- right now. >> okay, let me finish, i am talking about -- those are all defensive measures. >> south china sea. >> not another nation. >> a vietnam oiligs -- philippines. >> everyone of those situations was a -- a reaction to an aggression happening on the other side. >> there is no aggression south chinaea . >> in fear of u.s. military
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forces what it was. >> a i don't see that happening for a number of different marines china playbook right now is to compete economically with the world and to use their economic imperialism, more than a military strike force what chinese are do going to the book about china situation with united states doing the same ing, that we were doing with monroe doctrine the early part of 20th century teddy roosevelt want to protect the region whether withdrew states likes it or mot peaceful rise of china is not necessarily bad thing for the united states >> does president trump agree with that what essentially you are saying that president trump would do a deal with north korea allow china to dominate north asia. >> pushing back against china. >> let's face it. >> look what they are doing with trade. >> i think more my point is it is less about the military, and more about trade parity
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with china. >> alsobout the military in china, because what is happening right now, is china is setting up military bases all along the sea level across the world they set one up in djibouti, why nunes committee is investigating china so not just trade with china. >> also they are using game gaining economically putting toward military complex. >> in the book destined for war introduce you parallel between what they are doing right now what the united states was doing in our own hemisphere, in the early part of the 20th century we have to be super careful we have different cult yourself different political systems, we have to be very, very careful imposing our culture political system in that area of the world. maria: are you kidding me? anthony i am sorry but u.s., issue has protected global trade allows rise of
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democracies throughout asia good thing you can't ee with china. >> i am talking about in their national interest they are doing certain things. >> what you are saying is- >> to protect their country. >> essentially saying chinese people north korean people don't want same freedom we enjoy in the united states. >> i am absolutely not saying that you destiny what you are trying to do is you are trying to impose our system and in a part of the world. >> obama language that is exactly that is exactly obama's language 2009 speech same language. >> you may n lik wt i am saying, but the w ts thing is unfolding you will have peace north korean peninsula denuclearization the united states will start a second american century. >> where does that leave the theft of intellectual property transfer of technology big more doesn't do anything for real issue chinese steal our
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intellectual property don't even admit it. >> have throwing that out there, just saying we are -- >> that has to be part o future negotiations. >> absolutely it is. >> take one step at a time didn't get to iran -- >> talk about iran -- we have -- a lot to talk about thank you, coming up "the art of the deal" what historic north korea summit means for clemgs 2020 midterms 2020 presidential raez, former president obama apparently holding secret meeting with potential candidates in 2020, bill clinton says norms have changed forhat you can do to somebody against their will his o quote norms have changed of what you can do to somebody ainst their will back in a minute. today, we produce nearly 20 million cases a year. chubb has helped us grow for the past 30 years... they helped us prevent equipment problems
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maria: well back seattle to repeal a controversial tax on amazon large companies in the city cheryl casone. cheryl: that is right lawmakers expected to vote to reverse the so-called head tax 275 dollars per employee today. city council passed the tax unanimously last mean, it would have raised 50 million dollars, to pay for homeless services affordable housing but officials say measure would create a prolonged political fight will look for other ways to help homeless. >> amazon hive up almost a
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quarter percent, deadline day for justice department, to hand over documents, concerning the fbi's alleged informant inside president trump's campaign house intelligence committee champagne devin nunes made demands in a letter friday the official says because rosenstein is out of the countr can't respond until thursday, there seems to be a delay nunes also wants the committee to see dominates not just ladders of the parties known as gang of 8. >> former president bill bill comments about former senator al franken met with strong criticism. >> cngedn terms of -- what you can do to somebody against their will how much you can crowd their space make them miserable you don't have to physically assault somebody to make them -- you know uncomfortable at work or at home or in their other -- walking around.
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that i can't -- >> the democratic senator from minnesota resigned last year following multiple claims of sexual misconduct the former the president has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women. >> president george h.w. bush celebrating 94th birthday in kennebunkport maine marking the day, with former president he george w., barbara bush, wife of 73 year died in fril the elder president bush was released after being hospitalized for high blood pressure happy birthday. dagen: president clinton for charlie rose whatever happened to -- the sunset just going away retirement. just go fish somewhere. again not getting better. >> norms have changed?
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>> oh, my word unbelievable. >> norm have changed the of holding somebody doing something against their own will. >> take left over clinton foundation money by ail al t wo states that gave them a headache. >> where is that money have not talked aboutig report comes out thursday. >> they need to get -- going. >> when we come back being what do you think, dennis rodman dennis rodman blasting former president obama, over nortkorea what nba great is saying now that north korea u.s. have participated in this historic summit facebook turns in work find out if any surprises in 450 pages of answers handed over to lawmakers. back innin a minute.
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that north korea is already destroying a major missile engine testing site. that is not in your signed document we agreed to that after the agreement was signed. that is a big thing. for the missiles that they were testing the site is going to be destroyed very soon. >> president trump earlier this morning, in singapore announcing new agreements by north korea to work toward a denuclearized korean peninsula former independently senator joe lieberman former chairman homeland committee former democratic vice presidential candidate -- senator lieberman -- i want to get your reaction is this was this a success a far as part one but also want you to compare this process that has taken place with
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north korea to what took place with iran, as well as president pulling out of iran deal tell us. >> glad to, i think the summit in singapore was a success. now some people will say -- i have been interested overnight president trump getting criticized from left and side makes me feel good actually. [laughter] >> but the point is how much can you expect from the first meeting between two nations that have been totally lao separated two leaders hurling verbal lightning bolts at each other about six months ago, so i think overly, the wording in the communecake due nuclearization kim agreed to in responseo return for security, from u.s., and prosperity for the people of north korea all good what is relevance to iranian negotiations? president trump has been a
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critic of that agreement i agree with him some ways what obama administration european allies did with the iranians is a template for what not to do here. don't look like you want an agreement more than they other side does. don't settle for just -- temporary denuclearization. and have inspections be robust et cetera, et cetera,. so there is a lot more work to do. secretary pompeo is going to have a very important role here. but the world looks brighter this morning. >> what about you mary what do you think in terms of the iran deal virtual reality what -- >> versus what you saw. >> in iran we gave up leverage the an economying sanctions that brought i think ran to the table i thought encouraging trump said this morning that he would keep the maximum pressure campaign terrific the right thing. >> my question for you senator
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you have three here that may undermine that china russia south korea democratic ally headed by a very dovish president are you concerned about that? that they may work to erode our sanctions regime and on north korean regime. >> that is a concern certa for the russians maybe not for chinese, maybe -- probably not for south koreans they really want this denuclearization on a korean peninsula to work. you think a very good point, about the iranian precedent we gave up our leverage, i was in congress over all those years we adapted sanctions on iran why to pressure them to come to the table, and give up nuclear weapons, and basically what the agreement that was signed did was to give up the sanctions, andy gave up -- they put the brakes on nuclear
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weapons but never gave it up we can't do that againhere are a lot of players here i miss say president trump engagiith north korea piltputs the u.s. back in middle of this part of asia to some extent in settles russians maybe to a certain extent chinese as well. so that we should point out the russian foreign minister this morning said that he applauds the fact that the president said that they are stopping the military exercises so that was my next question are you concerned that we are stopping military exercises with south korea? i am not it is a gesture b u.s. south koreans japanese allies number one allies in the region, are agreeable to having us do that they so want denuclearization on the korean peninsula. if this doesn't go right, and the spirit evoked in singapore is not implemented, we can put
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those war games back on in an instant. >> you are not worded about readiness. >> no, we are going to be ready much more ready obviously than the north koreans i thought it was a measured way to go i want to point out what was just s it would have been a lot worse if we pulled back on sanctions. against north korea because that is what is squeezing them now, and the squeeze is still on until they actually do something, to realize the good will, that is in that communique from singapore. >> the iran deal there was no treat in place that went through congress that is why presidentrump was able to access that deal. >> right. >> but do you expect that the time line gown the road with north korea we will get to treaty. >> i do. not much attention was paid to it a while ago president trump secretary pompeo both said this would be a treaty that
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would require senate appval that is really important that meanst two-thirds of the senate republicans and democrats are going to have to agree with whatever agreement mes out of discussions with north korea, and then you've got a national commitment to it you won't have the next administration pull back because it is a bad deal because it has got to be a od deal and as the trump administration negotiates with north koreans they have got to know in the end, two-thirds of the members of the senate are going to have to agree with it. so it is going to be a good deal for the united states and also obviously has to bed deal for the north koreans as well, one quick word, one of the things that my guess is will be on the table with secretary pompeo and his colleague for whoever sits with him for north korea is to break the cooperation between nortkorea and iran particularly on the development of missiles they have been tied closely
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together. >> that is big. >> it is big will improve american security. if the north koreans break from the iranians missiles. >> you this i they will do it? >> well,or that agreement they will. >> that is why i found it perplexing confounding what did with zte throwing another lifeline despite additional fine on zte but u.s. kept that chinese company alive when it was found to be selling u.s. technology, or handing it o to north korea and iran and, again, that is that completes the circle china north korea iran. >> just to say spoke with the president on friday before he left, for this trip, on the phone. and i asked him about that, and he said i got a call from the president of china two weeks before i am going to sit down with leader of north korea and said to me i need this favor help us with zte and i did it, not only because i knew that we wanted china in our corner ahead of north korean meeting but also got
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1.4 billion dollars as well as customers department. >> tell phantom in the room. >> zte was bad actor here broke its word, in a way that directly compromises american security the president reacted intuitively personally the way a businessmanould react congress is on this as you know. maria: right. >> language in the def bill before the senate right now that will stop zte from doing business so this is a story that is not not finished. >> great to see you you -- >> you, too, senator joe lieberman. we'll be right back. .
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maria: welcome back. good tuesday morning. thanks for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo, tuesday, june 12 your top stories right now 8:35 on the east coast a waters shed moment in world history president trump, becomes first sitting american president to shake hands with the leader of north korea. the president met with kim jong-un in historic sit-down in singapore, then two sat side-by-side signed a joint document the document includes a commitment by the north to work towards complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula, during a news conference this morning, the president stated tort first time u.s. could begin process of lifting sanctions if if kim lives up to his excitement he said kim has made the right
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choice. >> chairman kim has the chance to seize an neshl future for his people anyone can make war only most courageous can make peace. >> the said u.s. military will stop war games mlt exercises on koreans peninsula simultaneously oversight kim to white house live to singapore for the latest on landmark day we heard from senator joe lieberman told us he believes north korea will breakaway from iran. huge developments so far reaction has been muted take a look, yoosios average, is well off the lows of the morning, about decline 6 points, s&p 500 exactly where it closed yeday nasdaq is down just one point, the s&p just turned positive quarter point we have may consumer price index up 2/10% last month up 2.8% from a year ago markets are chang, ing as we speak we
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are way of it the lows got cpi hitting the tape in europe take a look at indices there where we have been looking at weakness all morning ft 100 down a third of a percent 22 points lower cac quarante in paris down a quarter of a percent dax down a fraction 23 appoints lower in asia overnight markets mixed higher with exception of china shanghai composite down one half of a percent, top story right now, president trump, and kim jong-un, reaching historic agreement on path for denuclearization, fox news rich is righteous on the ground in singapore with very latest over to you good morning. reporter: good morning, maria. now even more diplomacy president kim jong-un sign framework the president says there will be vigorous discussions to try to implement. >> framework, president says north korea has agreed to completely dismantle nuclear program, and details will follow on those negotiations, led by secretary of state mike pompeo, the agreement followed
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nearly 40 minute meeting today between just president kim and translators hours of discussions with senior staff before this months of diplomacy between countries president said north korea promised to destroy a missile engine testing site return names of missing american service members from korean war u.s. sanctions against north korea will remain for now. >> the sanctions will come off when we are sure that the nukes are no longer a factor. sanctions played a big role but they will come off at that point i hope it is going to be soon but they will would come off as you know, and as i have said the sanctions right now remain at certain point i actually look forward to taking them off. >> what is north korea getting suspension joint military exercises between south korea and united states and the president says he would also like to reduce the military
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footprint in region not discussing that now not part of skuths according to the president. >> is it rich on the ground in singapore joining me republican congressman david along with democratic congressman who both visiting dmz prior to major meeting between north and south korean leader good to have you on program thanks for joining us. >> good morning. >> good morning, maria. thank you. >> let me about kick it off with initial reaction congressman kick us off reaction to what has at an place in singapore. >> clearly a historic day, there is no doubt about this but right now we are dealing with what are the details? where do we go from here? you know, clearly, kim jong-un as has become a nuclear power, he basically has got legitimizes through diplomacy wants security in economy what do we have what did u.s. get out of this that is the question. >> one of the answers i guess congressman is the fact that it is denuclearizing the korean peninsula if in fact
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that does take place your reaction. >> having a rogue nation with thermal nuclear weapon where millions and million of lives are at risk we politically whether on right or about left, our presidents have to make this sort of attempt to begin the process. and understand, this is going to be complicated because there is more players than just south korea, north korea and united states there are other rogue actors around the world have used north korea sort of as a proxy so understand there is going to be layers in this process we are going to have to grind through, and my guess is there is going to be good days and bad days. but at least the process has begun. maria: right sohere are more meetings ahead, and there is more progress to be seen but, overall, your reaction to the first meeting would you both say it was a success? >> look, i think the devil is. >> yes or no yes or no. >> look the devil is in the details i think this is historic at a, the president should be commended for
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actually doing this, but the fact is there is so much more to do so many details to work out, and mind you we have had two agreements with this regime in the past they have broken all these agreements much more detailed still broken those basically distrust continuing to verify a big pro. >> over time going to give you something i am optimistic so this should be a day for the entire world i think to be joyful but understand there is still a lot of steps to come, so take great joy in today that this happened. and then be prepared for the hard work that begins tomorrow. >> so sounds like you both think step one was a success then? >> i absolutely do, and pretty he amazing thing conside what the rhetoric around the world was a few months ago. >> do you agree congressman a success. >> we are at starting line, we still got a that are monday to go marathon to go. >> trade, bipartisan support
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growing opposing the deal with zte will they go ahead with bipartisan opposition. >> once again more complicated my understanding was released last night, that zte will pay about 1.7-billion-dollar fine having to put certain monies in escrow but that is actually not hot button for a lot of us, is what will be the change in the management, the rules, and the structure. and unless we have visibility in that you have to be skeptical. >> isn't it true the commerce kept is zdeciding who is on that board in terms of governs governs of company. >> real input making sure shall we say not proxy for former regime that we are skirting the international norms. >> input or mean people on committee isn't that what president said commerce department is going to be naming the peopleing naming on
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committee. >> sounds more than input. >> more than nut remember a lot is vet to go make sure we are not getting proxy for -- you know, -- the state military, for other actors in the region that it has engaged in some shady stuff -- >> it has been hard to get a compliment for this presiden for a long time and all of these bold decisions he is making congressman panetta how is the president doing. >> look, i think he feels doing what he -- >> what do you feel? what do you feel. >> look, i think there needs to be a lot more done, especiallys when it comes to i mean, this is the only diplomatic effort doing right now is north korea. you know we still got some issues that we have to deal with here on the ground, immigrat huge issue that i hope gets dealt with especially in my district on central coast of california so a lot more than -- needs to go. >> you are not getting immigration deal before midterms right. >> yeah being from a border state like california, look,
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you got to give the president -- um -- kudos for this week this is a pretty powerful week, and -- you know -- look -- the diplomacy is complicated it is happening constantly in lots ofions this is one of those moments if you talked to folks from republicemocrat side a couple months ago this day probably would have not been expected put itworked. see you soon thank you.e will >> have coming up president calls summit a great day a great moment tough sanctions in full effect in north korea we speak with reporter covering north korea for years to great inside perspective on way forward stuart varney will weigh in short today, we're renewing our. commitment to you. fixing what went wrong. and ending product sales goals for branch bankers.
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>> no doubt maria what is interesting giving this won't go on twitter on wires and you have u.s. district judge, i am going old school 4 pm eastern time announced this is something waiting for 20 months will at&t move forward with 85-billion-dollar deal with time warner. and then answer is yes, we see comcast stepping up fight as disney battl- the parent of the fox business network so reshaping media megamerges as we know it facebook this morning finally, couple months later getting dos in zuckerberg fade over 2000 questions over 450 pages will be given to the lawmakers you to comb through, facebook they have said today they are going to ban shoddy products for sale, on facebook, lots last but not the alleviate looking forward to friday quadruple, s&p balance friday russell rebalance two fridays huge
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rest of the summer slows down heaviest buy. >> quite a week this week let's not forget inspector general report dropping thursday, thank you nicole petallides on the floor nyse busy this morning a historic one, president trump sat down with fox news sean hannity weighing in on path to denuclearization, watch. >> i just think that we are now going to start the process of denuclearization of north korea, and i believe that he is going back and will start rtually immediately look at what he has done. >> on tonight on hannity get with "varney & company" host stuart varney a political win for president trump get right at it no -- president could bring kim jong-un to table an agreement to denuclearize the korean peninsula unheard of unthinkable what? 6 months ago i see left and
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media nitpicking looking to criticize this having a very hard time finding something to criticize in this summit meeting a flat out political win for president trump i think help him and the republicans in november when you couple it with a very strong economy i think they are looking pretty good for november and are in certainly for 2020 that is where i am coming from. >> this is big you are right stuart did you see how hard i do not know if you saw my interview with two congressman one dem one republican like pulling teeth getting a compliment of president trump from them that they don't want to compliment president trump or anything on any subject they know they are on tricky ground the president approval rating rising five months left to elects looking better and better they got to look for something wrong. >> i know you have a lot more we will see you top of the hour thank you so much "varney & company" begins top of the hour right after "mornings with maria" join stuart and guests coming up, first great progress, still a long way to go we are speaking with
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reporter covering north korea for years to get inside perspective of today's historic talks. back in a moment right here. at fidelity, our online u.s. equity trades are just $4.95. so no matter what you trade, or where you trade, you'll only pay $4.95. fidelity. open an account today. same thing with any dent or dings on this truck. they all got a story about what happened to 'em. man 2: it was raining, there was only one way out. i could feel the barb wire was just digging into the paint. man: two bulls were fighting, (thud) bam hit the truck. try explaining that to your insurance company. woman: another ding, another scratch. it'll just be another chapter in the story. every scar tells a story, and you can tell a lot more stories when your truck is a chevy silverado. the most dependable, longest-lasting, full-size pickups on the road. your insurance so small you could fix it with a pen.
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reaction. >> well, i will say this is a significant because, it is the first agreement between a sitting u.s. president, and for north korean leader on the nuclear issue basically, issue north korean leader has g his personal commitment to denuclearization to sitting u.s. president so it is significant. >> what happens now though? are you concerned for example if some that issues we have been bringing up, for example, number one, the military exercises will stop between with u.s. and south korea, people are worried about what the u.s. gets out of this? >> i mean as i put it, this is a statement between two leaders, so it is vague kind of general, and lacks specifics. and it is just a statement, and just you know series of promises. now i like to make one point.
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secretary of state mike pompeo has stressed multiple times that u.s. will sick a approach that is complete variable irreversible denuclearization unfortunately we didn't have that language in the statement. now, why is it so important particularly verification was a really, really obstacle to any progress in past talks with north korea, and the simple fact that president trump could not have kim jong-un agree on a goal to verify his country's nuclear weapons could be a troubling sign. >> we saw same language back in 1990s he agreed framework mary kissel here security guarantees in exchange for vague language about denuclearization. could we be getting played here could they just be stalling for anahetime?
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>> i think we have that danger, but we have to put things in context this is start of the you know process the actual work of the mean negotiations, has not even started yet, so we have to -- anticipate you know, long tough process. maria: we will leave it there thanks very much for weighing in we appreciate it, from voice of america there final thoughts from all-star panel after this short break. and don't worry i have everything handled. i already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. which is so smart on your guy's part. like fact that they'll just... forgive you... four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it.
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fantastic show ladies thanks. >> strong women holy cow you i love this t i love it. take it away. >> i'm watching out and that's a fact. [laughter] good morning ladies. good morning maria and good morning everyone oh, what a night. historic. hehat hapned and here's what's happening now. well, they met, and there was that hand shake followed bay 45 minute meeting with only translators present like secretary of state pompeo they joined in later. then, the signing, an agreement with both leaders would work towards the complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula that was historic. now this was the moment that a few months ago seemed impossible. certainly highly unlikely i call it a political win for president trump. then, the president held a news conference, the media sal


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